Graduation One of Three happened the Friday before Memorial Day Weekend...
How is it possible this was Haddie's first day of preschool in August of 2014? Seriously- I remember sitting on the driveway taking these pics of Hadley like it was weeks ago- not YEARS ago....
And here she is... graduating preschool and headed to Kindergarten in the fall. (Notice the curly hair, dress and sparkly shoes- she requested that I buy a curling iron to curl her hair.)
We sure did enjoy our time with Mrs. Muth. Riley had her and we were so lucky to have her again this past year. She's a gem.
Missing Jack (who was taking his English 1 exam).
Literally passed out cold on the way to beach hours after her graduation.
Three awesome days at the beach and I took one picture... shame on me.
Right after the beach Todd and I flew to Denver for two nights. We celebrated our anniversary and then hung out with some work people to celebrate Todd's friend's promotion.
Denver is gorgeous. I marveled at all the beautiful landscaping on the sides of the streets (we stayed in Cherry Creek- a quaint suburb of Denver).
Our dinner view Thursday night- we drove up to Boulder and ate at the Flagstaff House with three other couples.
We arrived back in town just in time to see Riley off to a graduation party and Jack to his 8th grade dance.
One last pre-party at Dana's house.... the boys have gathered there for years before each and every dance. Love this big ass crew of boys (men).
This past weekend Riley had her first summer lacrosse tourney of the season. Her team did great and it was lots of fun to watch. She's off to her team camp this weekend and she cannot wait.
And because we haven't been busy enough I co-hosted a big graduation party with a bunch of other mommas at Jack's buddy Conner's house Saturday night. Oh what fun it was... 50 or so kids swimming, dancing and having a great time.
Our last Chick-fil-A breakfast a couple weeks ago.... This is a light crew too. Sometimes they are packed into this booth like sardines. Will miss this tradition with Jack and but look forward to it with Riley.
We didn't do a whole lot of anything on Sunday.... we cooked and cooked some more. Haddie LOVES helping in the kitchen - sweet girl.
Summer officially begins Monday but Haddie's on her 2nd week. We stocked up on new paints and she's already created me a masterpiece. :)-
Graduations number 2 and 3 this week....
Until next time....
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