Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A birth day in pictures…

5:37 a.m. Jack wakes. 

5:47 a.m. Jack opens presents.

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5:48 a.m.  Jack freaks out due to excitement as he opens the BIG Space Police Lego he’s so desperately wanted from his Gammy and Poppy.

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7:07 a.m. Daddy drives Jack to school.

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10:40 a.m. Mommy has lunch with Jack: pepperoni pizza (not half bad).

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10:56 a.m.  Kids enjoy cupcakes made by AES cafeteria in honor of the birthday boy.  (really good cupcakes)

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(The pretty little lady in pink Jack claims to be his girlfriend.  Although I do think he means GIRL    FRIEND, not girlfriend). 

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And this little cutie- oh my goodness.  I sat across from him and he’s about the most adorable thing EVER!  Love this kid.

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4:58 p.m.  We go to theonlyrestaurantthekidswouldeatateverysingleday once again:

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any guesses…..

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5:03 p.m. Jack tries to blow his straw but was not successful.

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5:04 p.m.Ri realizes that she can open a packet of ketchup on her own and make a mess while doing it.

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6:00 p.m.  Jack finishes his birth day with a T-Ball game.  What a way to end the day- doing something he LOVES!!!

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364 more day ‘til number seven.  Yikes.

Until next time…

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