Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Dear Jack,

I cannot believe that you are six years old today. Today!

At 10:01 p.m. tonight you will officially be six.

Two hands Jack. You get to use two hands to show people how old you are.

Let me back up for a bit:

If I remember correctly your actual due date was October 3rd. But- your mommy has no patience and was soooo ready for you to be here. The Dr. was so kind and gave me a little help to have you on the 22nd of September.

It was a Monday. I’ll never forget because Monday night football was on when you arrived and the Denver Broncos were playing. (My fave team as a child). Daddy was there- and so was Paa Paa and one of my dearest friends: Martine.

We already knew you were going to be a boy and had your name, Jack Denin, picked out for months. But- for 9 long months all I wanted to do was kiss your cheeks. (I still love kissing your cheeks). And kiss those cheeks I did. Over and over and over. You had loads of dark wavy hair and weighed a tidy 7 lbs. 5 oz. Perfect.

Those memories are so crystal clear for me. It is bittersweet for me this year. You are in school. Real school. No more preschool. No more picking you up from school. Now it’s the bus. It’s cafeterias, Spanish class, library, reading logs. All the things I have been so excited for- yet sad- because you’re growing up.

You have turned into a boy with a quiet confidence.

A boy who:

  • knows right from wrong.
  • makes the right decisions most of the time.
  • is intelligent.
  • looooves nothing more than hanging w/ friends.
  • can read and read and read.
  • can build a Lego made for 9 year olds- all on your own.
  • is caring and kind.
  • sticks up for people in time of need.
  • loves baseball, golf, swimming, the ocean.
  • can play in a sandbox for hours and hours.
  • I am proud to call mine.

You may never understand the depth of my love for you. One day- when you have your own children (and you better!) you will see- the love for your own child is greater than anything. I did not know I could love someone so much until you came along. It’s a different kind of love. Unconditional.

So Jack- I hope you have a great birthday.

I love you.


1 comment:

Laga said...

Happy Birthday Jack!!!

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