Thursday, May 1, 2008


Guest blogger today: Jack Denin Milligan

Hi guys- it's Jack. My mommy has been wanting me to blog for her for quite some time. I keep telling her I'm not too good at the writing thing yet- but she insists, so here I am.

The last few weeks the 'caddypillas' - as my sister calls them- have been in full swing. They are everywhere. My friends and I go outside and find 8-10 of them all the time. It's so cool. But- I have not always been the typical boy. I don't really get into bugs and definitely don't like to pick them up.

So- just the other day I touched and picked up my very first caterpillar. I was super excited and proud of myself. Check it out for yourself.

This is fun.

Here I am with the squirmy little caddy on my fingers. They make me laugh because they are ticklish.


Time for the bucket. I like to make them homes. I usually end up releasing them after a few minutes of captivity.

I am working hard at getting him in my bucket.
Got him.

Off we go.
Gotta get him some grass!
Until next time...

1 comment:

PaaPaa (Pat) said...

Dear Jack,
I am so proud of you that you picked up a "caddypilla". It is just a little bug and they won't hurt you. Just remember you are bigger than they are. When you come to my house we will go looking for baby frogs. They are a little harder to catch than a "caddypilla".
Love you......PaaPaa

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