Wednesday, April 30, 2008

No more note passing...

It was 2:00 a.m. last night and Riley decides to have a fiesta in her bed. Seriously. She called for me at least 6 times from 2:00 a.m. until 4:00 a.m..

Did she need anything you ask? Nope.

Was she crying? Nope.

Soggy diaper? Nope.

Lost her 'Raffe' (her lovies)? Nope.

Not sure what she needed, but every time I went in there I was met with a 22 month old quickly lying back down or covering her eyes. She knew I was annoyed.


In the midst of my awakeness (is that a word?) I began to think about this whole technology thing and how it's changed how we communicate.

When I was in middle and high school we used to pass notes. I passed the h-e-double-hockey-sticks out of some notes. For years I kept this massive shopping bag filled with all the notes I received through the years. Hundreds and hundreds. I'd sit in class and read them and respond. I am sure most of them were gossip or whatcha-doing-this-weekend.

I can even remember having my very first 'boyfriend' in 6th grade, Tavis, asking me 'out' via a note left on my desk. He sat in my desk when we changed for math/reading. I think he broke up w/ me the same way a few weeks later. Boys.

So- fast forward a decade or two and I can guarantee today's tweens and teens aren't passin' notes- they're texting. I heard a song on the radio today and one of the lyrics talked about texting. It's surreal. I, as a 34 year old woman, think I am pretty up to date w/ my technology stuff. I even have a Facebook page (that's another blog in itself). But the whole texting thing kinda passed me over.

Recently though I have been texting a bit more. Babysitters, some friends, a little w/ Todd. I like it- it is quite an easy way to get in touch w/ someone. And it's quick. My friend from college, Jen, just taught me how to T-9 so I don't have to click-click-click on each number anymore. YES- I was a clicker for a long time. I think that's why I wasn't too keen on the whole text thing. So- now I can text fast and I like it.

So- I am waiting for my dear hubby to fuss at me b/c I don't have a text package as part of my cell phone bill b/c I've never been too into it.

I sure don't want to go back to writing notes, for Pete's sake.

Until next time...

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