Monday, May 5, 2008

Little bit of this...little bit of that.

We had a nice weekend, filled with warm weather, golf, and hanging out.

Friday afternoon the kids and I hung out at our neighbors house while the kids swam in this great kiddie pool Tracy bought. You would have thought this pool costs thousands of dollars from the amount of fun they had. The best part about it was the adults were able to sit in chairs, soak in some sun and maybe sneak in an adult beverage, just maybe. Shhhh.
Here's little Miss Priss, buck naked, bouncing on the side of the pool.

On Saturday we went to the Wachovia golf tournament with 5 friends. It was a gorgeous day and we thoroughly enjoyed it, especially since the kids were w/ a sitter. Our sitter, bless her heart, texted me a few times b/c Riley wasn't feeling too hot. I told her where the Motrin was and she gave her some, which seemed to do the trick.

Sunday brought more warm weather and lots of outside time. Todd bought Jack a 'golf hole thingie' and put it in the ground. Now we have a flag in the corner of our yard (if anyone is interested in working on their swing). We hung out outside most of the day and grilled some yummy chicken for dinner.

Throughout the weekend Riley was fussy on and off. She was actually quite obnoxious if you want to know the truth. She refused to nap on Friday and promptly projectiled in her bed b/c she was crying so hard and then was super high maintenance Sunday. So- last night while I was up with her on and off from 1:00 a.m. until 3:00 a.m. I felt that her hair was sticking to her cheeks.


Ear infection.


It's actually a sigh of relief, believe it or not. She has tubes to they were draining the infection on their own. It was quite gross, but it explains her odd behavior the last few days. I doused her w/ some drops and she finally went back to sleep until 7:45 a.m. today. She is back to normal tonight. Let's hope she sleeps w/o waking up- I'd like to hit the gym early tomorrow if I can get some zzz'ssss.

Jack's seems to have a slight cold so we've been doing breathing treatments to ward off another croup attack. He goes to the dentist tomorrow for the third time- yuck. At least they'll scrape that darn tarter off his lower teeth.

We head off to Hilton Head on Thursday until Sunday w/ some friends. I'm looking forward to some beach time and trying somewhere new.

I hope to post once more before we head out- if not I'll write when we get home.

Until next time...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aww...I love the new blogs! Miss you guys! Tell everyone I said hi!

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