I mean, I love my daughter and all, but her track record for sleeping places she's not used to is not up to par. In fact, on Thursday night it took my mom two hours to get her to sleep!! Yikes.
Other than that she was great for my mom: napped every day for two hours, ate well, played nicely and went to bed great the other two nights. Although I think she breathed a quiet (or maybe loud) sigh of relief when we picked her up Sunday, I know my mom truly loves spending time w/ Jack and Riley. It's even better if you get them one on one for a couple of days. It's so nice to have her close and we are SUPER thankful for all the help she gives us w/ the kids. Thanks Mom.
Anyway- we did have a great time. The weather was perfect, except for a minor hiccup on Friday a.m. It rained for about 10 minutes. We spent about 5-6 hours on Friday and Saturday in the beach and pool. Jack practiced his new found swimming "techniques." This actually consists of a super fast doggie paddle with a get-me-the-hell-out-of-here look on his face. He's getting there, but I'm afraid it will be another summer before he is truly swimming.
Ice cream and a movie was the big hit for the kids each night. Jack ended each evening w/ Superman ice cream with sprinkles and then watched a movie w/ his 'lady friends' Ashlyn and Evelyn. Thank goodness those girls aren't 'girly girls' b/c they had a great time together. I swear one day they're going to be fighten' over my boy- for now it's cute though.
Here's some pics from our trip!!

Jack frolicking in the park at Harbour Town.

Until next time...
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