Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Sleep Issues

Riley has some sleep issues. She sleeps fine at home, it's just when we're away from home that she just can't seem to 'miss any of the action.' Yes- she is only 21 months old, but I swear, she doesn't like to miss anything. She'll go w/o a nap and stay up until 8:00 p.m. at the beach and be fine. Weird.

Anyway- since we've transitioned her into a big girl bed she's done a great job at home. She doesn't really bang anymore so we're sleeping through the night again (that's Todd and I) and she goes down w/ no problems. The only downfall with her in a big girl bed is that she used to wake early in the morning, bang against the back of her crib for a few minutes, and then fall asleep for another hour or two. Not anymore- she's up and ready to go by 6:00- maybe 6:30 if we're lucky.

So- to prevent her from banging incessantly I placed a plethora of pillows around her bed. If these weren't there I know for a fact she would use the wall as a spring board for her back and head. I usually check on her before I go to sleep just to make sure she's ok. From time to time a pillow will fall down on her or she'll be too far down the bed and I just adjust her. Twice I have found her asleep leaning against a pillow. I quietly laughed at myself wanting to take a picture but it was dark and I was not brave enough to take a pic of her in the dark. I would not want the wrath of Riley woken up from a deep slumber.

Just a few minutes ago I peaked in on her napping. I put her down at 12:45, 1 1/2 hours ago and didn't hear a peep out of her. Check out the video to see what I saw:

Is she not a hoot or what? Lord help her- we're headed to the park as soon as she wakes, I hope she doesn't have a crook in her neck.

Until next time...

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