Sunday, April 13, 2008

Little bit of this...little bit of that

Time for another random post. A few times over the past few days I've said to myself- "I need to blog about that." Funny how my mind thinks like that.

It's Masters weekend so you know what that means: TV is on full force in the afternoons around here. We took the kids over to some friends this morning to see their new house and then ran around w/ the neighbors for a while so we could get some TV time in this afternoon. Doesn't quite work like that w/ Riley. She's nonstop. She even ate clam dip w/ the boys this afternoon- yuck.

Jack finished up soccer last week. I've got some cute pics to post. They 'scrimmaged'- if you call it that- the last three clinics and Jack improved greatly each time. He's not quite as fast as some of the other kids but he tries hard and keeps going, even when he's knocked down. He was given a neat medal at the end of the clinic that he's super proud of. The day after soccer was over he said to me, "Mommy- I want to keep playing soccer!" I was thrilled to hear him say that. He starts a T-ball clinic in mid-May through the end of June. No big games or anything, just clinics, which is a great way for Jack to start learning more about baseball.

This morning we were lying in bed, shocked that both of our kids slept until almost 7:00. Jack comes in our room and crawls in the bed and asks Todd, "Why do you have fur all over your body?" It was so funny- we were giggling like crazy. Todd had to explain to him that he will be hairy too one day.

Jack has also been asking some deep questions about life in general. This morning Jack and I went to the bagel shop to get some breakfast and he asked me two odd questions. Here's the conversation we had:

Jack: Mommy- are guns real?
Me: Yes-
J: Well- where are they then?
Me: Well- policemen have guns, etc.... Guns are dangerous.... on and on.

He then asked me:

Jack: when will me and my friends die?
Me: Not for a long long long time-
J: Well- I don't want Poppy to die b/c I want to go visit him at the beach. Can you call him and tell him that?

Too cute- he's sooo deep at times it makes me wonder where he gets his thoughts.

Riley has still been giving us a hard time w/ sleeping- she hasn't napped all weekend, but went down easily last night and Friday night. I hope it's still a phase!!

Back to school tomorrow- spring break is over- thank Goodness. Now were in the stretch until end of May when school is over.
Here are some pics.
Until next time...

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