Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Is it raining?

We spent the afternoon outside today. Our neighbors have this really cool Crayola sidewalk paint so I bought some at Target the other day and we tried it out this afternoon. It got all over us but hopefully all will come out in the wash.

Jack had fun w/ his buddy Camp looking for caterpillars- they found 8 or 9 of them. Of course by the end of the afternoon they were squishing them! Boys!

Anyway- we came inside, ate dinner and showered. I left the kids in the playroom to come downstairs to get the laundry basket, full of clothes in need of their home.

I walked around the corner towards the front stairs and felt some water dripping on my head. I look up and Riley is spitting water down through the wrought iron rails to the floor below! She found Jack's cup from earlier and I guess decided to have some fun with it.

My dear sweet little girl- where did you go?

Until next time...

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