Sunday, April 20, 2008

Sickies again.

Riley is upstairs trying to fall asleep for her nap but she's hacking away like a chainsaw at the moment. The chances of her actually napping are pretty slim.

The last two nights have been pretty bad. On Friday she started to feel crummy- just not herself and by the evening we could tell she wasn't doing great. I slept on an air mattress on her floor Friday night because she woke constantly --------------------

Fast forward time 6 hours-

I was going to start another post but thought- naahhh-

Riley never did nap. She ended up coughing and crying so hard that she threw up AGAIN in her bed. ARGHHHHH. So - we went to Target and then she fell asleep in the car on the way home and proceeded to stay in the car for another hour once we arrived home. It's 7:00 p.m. and she's in bed. Who knows how many times I'll be in there tonight.

So- I'll be calling the Dr. first thing in the a.m. and getting her checked out. It will be the highlight of my day (not). She is a nightmare at the Dr.'s office. I'll have to bring a change of clothes for her b/c she'll more than likely gag when he sticks that thing on her tongue to check her throat.

Oh well.

I'll keep ya posted on how she's doing.

Maybe we'll all get some sleep tonight.

Until next time...

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