Tuesday, April 22, 2008

On the mend.

Riley is much better today, thank goodness. We went to the Dr. yesterday and her ears, chest and throat were all clear so she just had the crud that's been making its way around. Dr. Marc gave us some Cingulair and it seemed to help w/ her coughing last night. She chewed that tablet up like it was candy- go figure.

I got a little more sleep last night than the previous three. I only had to go in her room about 1/2 dozen times last night instead of the dozen or so the three nights before. I have not been to the gym in the early a.m. this week though so I am hoping to get back there tomorrow if Riley doesn't have me up half the night.

The funniest thing about this little sickness is Riley has been sleeping on and off quite a bit during the day, especially in the car, which she never does. It's a miracle if we can get her to sleep for more than 30 minutes on the way to the beach. Yesterday afternoon we were in the playroom and Riley crawled into her favorite chair and began to bang against the back of it. That's a sure sign of impending sleep. Take a look at my sweetie pie snoozing away in the chair.

The even funnier thing about the "sit and sleep" thing is she'll often fall asleep in her bed leaning against a pillow with her mouth wide open. Eventually she'll fall over and continue to sleep.

Jack's off on a playdate with his buddy so I am going to catch up on laundry and other things while Riley sleeps.

Until next time...

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