Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Dinner Time

Here at the Milligan household we regularly hold exquisite dinners with all the trappings: candles, wine, kids behaving, perfectly cooked meals, you know all the rest.

Thought y'all would like to witness one:

April Fool's.

Today started out cloudy, cool and drizzly and ended up super warm and sunny (welcome to spring in the south). We spent the afternoon outside, virtually from 3:45 until 7:00. The kids were playing on the porch while I made dinner so I decided to let them eat out there. After dusting off the pollen from their picnic table they had a great time (and got along for a change) eating dinner, just the two of them.

We're off again this weekend. I am dropping the kids off with Todd's parents Thursday afternoon and headed to Folly Beach with 5 girlfriends from college until Sunday. We'll be back on Monday and I'll post then to tell y'all about our weekend.

Until next time...

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