Sunday, March 17, 2019

Playing Catch Up

I was gently reminded by my mom that I haven't blogged in a while...
I have certainly thought about blogging- I just haven't done it. 

Lots to catch up on. 

Jack made his high school baseball JV team - he worked hard all year before and after school so he's thrilled to be a part of the team.  Not sure if he'll play much but honestly- I am just thankful he's busy and enjoys all the hard work.  He streak of straight A's continues and he finished the first semester with a 4.375 GPA.   He's taking Spanish 11, Honors English II, Biology and PE/Weightlifting this semester so he's busy.   He starts Take on Sports baseball two weeks from today and is looking forward to that - it's always super rewarding.   He had a blast playing rec basketball with his buddies over the winter - they won a few games and lost a few games and never really practiced much but they had a great time.   He's been driving us around on the weekends when he can and I must say that he is getting better - it's crazy to think in 6 months he'll be driving himself around.   

Riley made her middle school lacrosse team and is the only 6th grade starter... she's playing really well and the coach seems to really like her so she's enjoying it.  They practice or have games 5/6 days a week and she's doing a field hockey clinic on Sunday's so she's super busy.  She's been lucky to have a great group of friends this year and she doesn't let the petty drama get to her.  Most weekends she's off at a party of some sort or having sleepovers and going to sleepovers.  I am thankful for her crew.  Riley's been doing well in school too and I am proud of her work ethic.  She goes to school, practices, eats, does homework, chills for a bit and crashes.  Busy busy girl.  

Hadley- our sweet Hadley- is ALMOST six.  I cannot believe it.  She wants a Barbie Dream House soooo bad for her birthday.  I found one on clearance at Target last month and it's sitting in the attic.  95% of the time she's an absolute JOY- but that 5% she is a TOTAL pain in the ass... AGH!   Love her though.  She is THRIVING in school - literally loves it so much. Her reading has exploded and she's blowing through reading levels.  She loves math, is a great listener and soaks up knowledge like a sponge.  We spend lots of time together every day after school reading books and working through math together.  She loved basketball over the winter and will likely play again- but we will move her from the Y- I can't deal with sports there anymore....  She's playing soccer this spring and doing some lacrosse clinics on Sunday's so she stays pretty active.  Her babysitter, Miss Donna, is helping me out this spring some and she could not be happier.  Miss Donna rocks!  

These two are inseparable.  They love each other so much...  for the most part Maizey is doing well.  She is fully potty trained and we don't leave her in her gated area much anymore but she still likes to escape across the street from time to time... she knows she's a bad girl when she does it but it still happens.  Puppy days... :))-   She sleeps in her crate at night and will do so for a lonnngggg time.  She likes it and doesn't make a peep until morning and I have no desire to have her in our bed so we'll leave her there for now.  

Jack went to his first high school dace back in February... he went to a Sadie Hawkins dance with his good friend Emma - who happens to live our neighborhood.   They had a great time with a big group of friends.  

Love my little shortie!

Best buds since preschool. 


Momma had a night out a while back- the Justin Timberlake concert... SOOOO much fun!

Hadley is obsessed with Legos... and she can build them almost as well as her brother.  He loves to help her... it's super cute. 

Passing time at a lacrosse game- she always finds buddies to hang with- wether she knows them or not. 

The many faces of Hadley. 

Vigilantly writing her birthday party invite list...  concentrating hard!

Playdates!  Hadley has made some sweet friends this year.... so happy for her.

Riley had the flu last month - Jack and Haddie escaped it and then Haddie showed up with this weird rash... luckily it was nothing but we had to put the mask on since she had a fever! 

100th day of school celebration. 

Cutie pie.

She's been writing like a BOSS these days... love this note. 

Winter hoops!

Yeah for lacrosse- it's so much fun to watch.  Ri is playing great and getting lots of accolades.  Her desire to get better and her work ethic will take her far for sure. 

She literally practices every single day on her own. 

My sweet girl sick with the flu.  She bounced back quickly though. 

Baseball!  (Jack at 2nd).

Haddie and I made Jack and Ri cupcakes for making their school teams. 

Todd took the kids (and JP and Matthew) to a Hornets game recently.   They had great seats and had a blast. 

I THINK haddie had a blast. 

And he took the kids skiing.... Haddie on her own one day a few weeks back: 

And Jack and Ri on an overnight back in January. 

Whew- that's a long blog~

Until next time....

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