Wow- one more year and we have another teenager in the house.
Hard to believe.
And it's hard to put into words what this girl means to me.... so so so much.
My Dear Riley-
Today you turn twelve.
I am not sure how this happened but alas- here we are - on the cusp of teenagerhood (if that's a word).
Suffice to say it's fitting that this AM you are waking up at the beach with your best friend Paris. You have spent the last few days in Ocean Isle with her and her mom and from what i can tell you've had a blast. We can't wait until you get home this afternoon- we'll take you out do dinner at Beef and Bottle- our annual tradition.
I would say with the exception of your first year of life- you have changed the most this past year. You've always been super independent and headstrong and charged your way through life but you've chilled a bit as you've gotten older.
I see a much more sensitive side coming out. An extremely loyal side that loves fiercely and is more in tune to the feelings of people around you. We've spent hours and hours talking about kindness and respect and how to treat friends and I honestly can say I think it's paying off. Middle school is always an interesting time and I pray that kindness will always prevail for you.
As I was sifting through pics for this blog post I realized how many I have of you and Hadley together. I have to tell you- she LOVES you big time. Like big, big, big time. I hope you know that's she's also your biggest fan (besides of course your Dad and I). She idolizes you and I hope with all my heart you two grow up to be super tight.
This year you did really well in school... Your teacher was challenging and I hope that she prepared you for middle school. I know you'll do well next year. You've also really soared with lacrosse. It't been so fun watching you blossom and learn the game. I look forward to many more years watching you play.
I don't say it enough but I appreciate you more and more as you age- you're a HUGE help to me with your sister. You'll give her a bath, make her mac-n-cheese, babysit her and even put her to bed if we're out. You'll also empty the dishwasher, do the dishes and vacuum without complaint anytime I ask. (Although your room is almost always a mess!)
I found lots of fun pics of you from this past year.... lots of silly faces and fun times.
Happy birthday my sweet girl. I am so so so proud of the young lady you're turning into.
I love you.
Until next time....
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