Saturday, July 23, 2016


While Jack is off gallivanting with friends, working out, hanging with friends here the ladies and I have been having fun too.  

This past week we decided to do something good for others.  With all the negativity in the world this summer it's been weighing on my mind to do something nice.   

So the girls and I baked rice crispy treats, brownies, cookie bars and gooey butter cookies.  We jammed out to music, made a huge mess and really enjoyed it.  Haddie burned her little arm a tad but she quickly got over it.   Once we finished we piled in the car with the boys and headed over to our local police department.  Most of the officers were responding to a huge gas leak so we gave our treats (along with a stack of Chick-fil-A gift cards) to the 'bosses.'  They were so grateful and thankful.  

I would venture to say we have kids (most of the time more than our own) swimming in the pool every day.  A few days last week we swam early and then after dinner - the afternoon hours are wicked hot and sunny.   

Miss Priss never wears her floaties anymore….ever.  She swims all over the pool, dives down for toys and is very self-sufficient in the pool.  It's a tad scary to watch since she's so little but she's pretty aware of herself in the water.  

Hadley has had a little obsession lately with being a super hero.  She asks if she can fly and talks about super heroes quite a bit.  I ordered her this little pack of four masks/capes and gave it to her today.  Her eyes lit up so wide!  

Riley has her Halloween planned out already. 

Tonight Todd took Riley out to dinner at a sushi place and then they are watching a movie together in the basement… Jack's off with baseball friends so Haddie and I went to her have place to eat- Chipotle.   She loves some rice and beans!!

Another fun week ahead… our good friends from CT will be here Tuesday-Friday house hunting and hanging out.  They are moving back and we are super excited.  They'll be at the same schools as our kids and our Jack/Camp play the same sports and so do Riley/Finley.  We're looking forward to having them here.   

Football try-outs are Monday!   Jack should find out late Tuesday night if he makes it… let's hope so.  He's worked out so much this summer and is so dedicated… Regardless i am so proud of him and his work ethic.

Until next time...

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