Friday, September 18, 2009

My first lunch date

So I was up at the school this a.m. for a meeting and it finished just in time for me to pop in and have lunch w/ Jack.

Talk about bringing back memories.

Not only did I feel the rush of memories from my own teaching days, but I remember going through the lunch line, handing the lady my yellow ticket (brown if I only wanted milk) and waiting for them to put whatever mess they were serving for the day on my tray.


After seeing what those kids were eating now I understand AND remember why Jack wants to bring his lunch almost every day.

The cheese pizza looked- and probably tasted like- rubber. The fruit cup? No way I'd touch that thing. Club sandwich? I'd rather eat liver-

Seriously- I have no problem packing his lunch every day for the rest of the time.

Now- off to get RiRi and hit up Chic-Fi-La w/ friends. (Our first Friday lunch w/o Jack!)

Until next time...

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