Chances are you'll feel like me: am I really going to watch this damn show. Again.
Chances are you will succomb and set those DVR's so you can fast forward the 743 commercials they'll show during the two hour premiere.
Chances are when our kids are older this phenomena, American Idol, will no longer exist. But- we'll be old and grey saying things like: "Remember that crazy show, American Idol, it was on when our kids were little, remember that?" I wonder if our kids will remember it?
Chances are pretty good that eight months ago I was sitting here on my bed, possibly even writing a blog, and watching the finale at the end of May. Yes I was, actually. Here- read if you want.
Chances are Todd wasn't home: either at a dinner or out of town, like he is tonight. (Denver-hope he packed a coat).
Chances are Ri was ornery and bothering Jack, way back in May, eight long months ago.
Chances are I was wondering thoughts like this 8 months ago:
"Holy s&%t, what I am going to do w/ these kids all summer."
"I cannot wait to show Jack NYC and hit up a Yankees game."
"Wow- Ri is almost two. OMG!"
Chances are, eight months later, I still love my babies more than ever.
And in case you're interested, here are two pics from EIGHT long months ago.

Until next time...
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