Sunday, June 15, 2008

Relaxation 101

In the summer there's a Farmer's Market downtown that we try to go to when we're home with nothing going on. The best part about this market is the fish monger. He sells fresh seafood that is delicious. He always has tuna, which is Jack's favorite. So yesterday we were out of the house by 7:00 a.m., hitting the bagel shop on the way downtown and then Todd was first in line for the monger.

We came home with some tuna, swordfish and scallops and Todd made up some yummy marinade that made fish even better. We took the fish over to our neighbors and cooked out with them. They have a pool so we all had fun swimming w/ the kids. Todd doesn't get to enjoy swimming with the kids too often so it was a special treat for Jack and RiRi to swim w/ Daddy.
Here are some pics- (Tks Tracy!)

Can you find Jack?

Miss Priss and Mommy.


Riley getting tossed around by Daddy.

Can you hear her saying, "Cheese?"

Break time.

And today is Father's Day. Todd spent the a.m. golfing with his buddies and we're going to spend the rest of the afternoon and evening watching golf- what better way to spend Father's Day for a guy who loves golf?

Todd's out of town ALL week so we'll enjoy some quality time with him today- if you can call sitting in front of the tube 'quality time.' He he he..

Until next time...

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