Sunday, November 18, 2007

Jack's Turn

I went back and skimmed through the last few weeks of posts and realized that I have been writing mostly about Riley. She seems to be garnering the most attention around the house these days w/ her shenanigans that poor Jack just goes w/ the flow.

So I thought I'd write about Mr. Jack today and what he's been up to.

He has settled quite well into his class and made some new friends. His best buddy in class is a boy named Kyle and Jack enjoys playing with him and we see them quite frequently outside of school. Fortunately for us Kyle has a little sister so the girls can play as well. They had an Indian Pow Wow last week and tomorrow have their annual Thanksgiving lunch, should be yummy. Lucky for me I didn't sign up for that one.

Jack is still car-truck obsessed but has been building tons and tons of things with Legos these days. We got him some construction Legos, which turn into different construction vehicles, so those keep him busy. Many nights Todd or I (or sometimes both of us) end up on the floor of his playroom building car carrier trucks or cranes using these elaborate Lego "maps," we like to call them. He often builds his own contraptions (boats or cars) and he keeps them close, never letting them out of his site.

Many of Jack's friends' parents are beginning the oh-my-goodness-it's-almost-time-to-register-for-kindergarten talks. Thank goodness for us because Jack has another year of preschool to go. Since he makes the cut off by only a few short weeks we feel it's best for him to have some more time to grow and mature. He will definitely be ready by academic standards, but not emotionally. Plus, I am not ready to unleash my baby to the wolves of public school! Not that public school is bad, but I want more time with him before he heads off to full time school. They have a lifetime of school ahead of them- why rush it right?

We go to the Dr. the Thursday after Thanksgiving to get the results of his growth hormone. I am anxious to see what's going on with him. He is the smallest of all his friends and his classmates, but we're praying for a growth spurt here soon!!

Christmas is around the corner and Jack wants more Legos and a Michigan helmet. Good thing Mom's an early shopper!! We're looking forward to this year, watching the kids get super excited.

Until next time...

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