Monday, August 6, 2007

Grapes and cucumbers...

I swear if a person could exist on grapes and cucumbers, it would be my daughter. She has become such a picky eater that it's bordering on ridiculous.

When she first began eating real food she would eat hot dogs, meatballs (fake and real), sausage, turkey, ham and most other meats. Now, she only eats meatballs (homemade- cooked w/ sauce and noodles). Yes, she is already a meatball snob. It cracks me up. She won't eat any other meat. Soooo- i resort to giving her lots of black beans (another food she could subsist on) to get her daily intake of protein. She loves rice and beans and boy do I see it later- gross.

RiRi loves her fruit too. She loves blueberries and grapes and melon and oranges and apples. We try to squeeze in some veggies too- she'll eat a few (carrots, bean, corn) when she feels like it. If she's not in the mood she'll just throw everything on the floor.

The craziest thing about her eating habits is once she starts throwing stuff on the floor I get her out of her seat and she begs for food. She would rather stand up and use the chair as her tray and eat. Lovely right. Great table manners, hummmm? A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do huh?

So- I am in no hurry to make her quit drinking out of a bottle. She only gets two a day, but that's 16 oz of milk and vitamins that she needs. She'll drink it out of a sippy cup, but she drinks a lot more (and faster I might add) when it comes out of a bottle. I hope to break her of this habit by the time she's 15 months, but we'll see.

At 13 months and one week she is NO WHERE close to walking. She cruises around super fast, but has not taken one step and doesn't stand up in the middle of the room. I doubt she'll be walking by Jack's b-day (9-22). Maybe by the holidays, I hope!

Until next time...

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