Thursday, August 16, 2007

Another adventure or two...

Yes, it's me again, writing another blog. This is what happens when I am home in the evening alone for most of the week. This week has been brutal for Todd. After already having two client dinners, he's in Greensboro tonight having dinner w/ his buddy who's playing in the PGA event there this week. So, the more time alone = the more blogs I write.

So, Todd and I had another summer adventure w/ Jack last Saturday night. We took him to see the Charlotte Knights play (the Chicago White Sox AAA team) the Durham Bulls. It was steaming hot, but we had good seats in the shade. We've taken him before and he enjoyed it so we thought we'd do it again. We called a babysitter for Riley and off we went.

We waited until we got to the baseball game to eat dinner. We were all starving by the time we got to our seats. The burgers were soggy and Jack didn't like his hot dog, so basically he ate peanuts for dinner. He begged for a snow cone and Todd got him one: green. Note to self: never buy Jack a green snow cone again. He took one bite and hated it. I have to admit, it was gross so I don't blame him, but still, it cost $3.00. After eating, I noticed a Subway across the field. I'll be hitting that up next time, for sure. Other than the gross dinner, it was lots of fun.

Jack's girlfriend Maddie and her daddy went with us (her mommy was out of town). After a few innings the daddy's took the kids over to the park area and I got to chill by myself. Both kids came back with stories to tell. They were both trying to talk to me at the same time, it was too cute. They have this blow up slide thing that's super big. I guess Maddie nosedived down it and got a rug (rubber) burn on her shoulder. It was still there yesterday, five days post game. Jack took a rumble-tumble-flip-flop down the slide and lived to laugh about it. Usually that kind of stuff gives him a reason to cry, but not this time. I was proud of my little fella.

Here are some pics from the game.

Not to be outdone and felt left out, Riley has been having her own adventures this week right here in our house. I swear that girl cruises and crawls around thinking to herself, "Humm, what can I get into right now that I am not supposed to be into." That's what she goes for.

She's been into Kody's water bowl more times than I can count and just two days ago she opened one of the kitchen cabinets and pulled a glass bowl out and threw it on the floor (thank God for our rug in the kitchen). Needless to say I bought cabinet locks this week at my weekly Target run.

And today, let's not forget about today. Just take a look at the pictures below. It needs no explaining.

I just had to include this picture- my friend from the olden days (high school) just hooked me up w/ tons of hand-me-downs for RiRi. It included lots of smock dresses. Here's one she can wear now- I love it. She wore it all day yesterday! Thanks Rach!
Until next time...


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