Happy Holidays!
Friday: We headed down to Columbia to spend the day with my family. Jack was bummed b/c it rained all day. My mom had the grandaddy of all sandboxes in her backyard, built just for Jack, and he kept asking us all day if he could go outside and play in it. We kept telling him, "When it stops raining." He asked until we left that night.

All the presents at my mom's house. Jack was so excited. This was his first year really getting "it." He ripped through his presents, casting to the side anything that didn't have wheels.

Jack climbs in, and is almost swallowed by, the box that Daddy's tool thingie came in.
Saturday: It must have been 70 degrees out on Saturday and of course I packed no shorts, or short sleeves for myself or the kids. I proceeded to sweat the entire day, but it was worth it b/c the kids (Ava, Jack and Riley) all had a trip to the beach while Emma went fishing w/ the boys. (BTW- they didn't catch anything, but Steve's friend kindly gave us some fresh trout, which we fried up. Delicious.)

Jack and Ava hop on the golf cart to get ready for their ride to the beach.
Ava and Jack dig a huge hole at the beach, and prompty throw sand in the air.
Gammy holds Riley during a minor wind storm at the beach while the big kids dig holes.
Emma, our little helper, plays with Riley before her bath.
Sunday: Christmas Eve. Emma still believes (probably for the last year) and of course the little ones do, so today was filled with lots of stuff to get ready for Santa. We took the older three to church (not too much fun). The church was beautiful, built in 1721, it had little "boxes" of pews, so to speak. We actually had our own little area to sit with a door that closed. This was great because Jack spent half the time lying on the floor playing with cars, drawing and eating mints. Our night capped off with tons of apps for dinner, cocktails and playing "Santa."

The kids (and Ali and Tracy) decorate cookies to be left for Santa (and eaten by us!)

The big kids are all dressed up and ready for church.
Emma helps Jack get the cookies ready for Santa (and the carrots ready for the reindeer.)
Poppy reads the kids "Twas the Night Before Christmas" before they're off to bed.
Monday: Christmas Day. Everyone is up by 6:45, but the kids have to wait at the top of the stairs while the adults get their cameras ready. They charge down the stairs and Jack goes right for his digger, the only thing he wanted for Christmas. Emma went right to the milk and cookies to see if Santa left her a note (which he did, humm... humm...). We patiently unwrapped gifts in a semi-orderly fashion, thanks to Poppy. Everyone was happy and the kids all got what they wanted. We spent the rest of the day watching the movie Cars, playing and eating our fabulous dinner of tenderloin and lobster (fresh from Maine.) Glorious day.
The night before (after Santa came).
The morning of.
Riley on her new rocker, with a little help from Mommy.
Uncle Jeff helps Riley with a new toy.
All in all, I couldn't ask for more. The kids were spoiled rotten by all four grandparents and we were first hand witnesses to Jack first "Santa" Christmas. It was wonderful. The pics below some up our week. Happy New Year!
Jack passed out at 6:15 after several days of staying up late and virtually no napping.
This actually sums it up better, with his hands down his pants.
Until next time....
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