Saturday, June 29, 2019


Thirteen.... thirteen?  How on Earth did that happen?   Hard to fathom my girl is a teenager.  

This past year has definitely been one of growth for you... a year of growing physically, academically, socially, athletically, maturity, etc...

For years and years I would write these blog posts celebrating Riley's birthday and write about how feisty and independent she is... well she is certainly still independent but the feistiness has calmed down for sure.  Whew!  Haha...

A letter to my girl.


Dear Riley, 

As you celebrate turning 13 today I want to celebrate YOU.  For many reasons.  I may not say them enough but I sure can write them.  

I am super proud of your growth this year.  For lots of reasons. 

First- you've turned into this mature young woman.  No longer a silly girl who plays with dolls and colors but a mature, serious thinking young woman.  You sit back and observe and take it in... more and more people comment to me now on how quiet you are.  That's not a way I have ever described you- but the older you get the more of an observer you become.   You have a seriousness about you at times that is pretty cool.  But- the best part is you can still play school with your sister and play along with her creative imagination.  

Second- you've grown academically.   School has been pretty easy for you- you finished the year with straight A's and didn't have to work too hard.  For the most part your work ethic and study habits were admirable this year.  Once in a while I had to push you a little but for the most part you are always responsible for your own work and studies.   We will definitely push you into higher level classes once you get into high school.  

Socially this has been a big year for you as well.  Middle school can be hard to navigate socially for many kids.  Luckily you have your brother and he's a good role model.  You've been blessed with a large group of friends and you stay pretty busy with them... they're all super sweet girls and I'm thankful you have a great friend base.  Boys have come into the picture this year and you're navigating that with maturity.  I am proud of you for staying away from major drama and being kind... the most important thing.  I promise if you live your life being kind to others- you'll live a fulfilled life. 

Athletically you've grown leaps and bounds this year.  Lacrosse has been your passion all year long and you played a big role on your middle school lacrosse team this past spring.  It's been fun to watch your passion grow.  You practice on your own constantly and work out with a trainer at times to help you get stronger and faster.  You dabbled in cross country last fall and you're trying out for school volleyball later this summer.  

Overall- it's been a great year for you and I hope you continue to grow and know you are loved.

Happy 13th!


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