Thursday, September 20, 2018

It's Been a While

Well- looks like it's been almost a month since I posted. 
I used to be so good at this... guess I am not anymore. 
I'm ok with that. 
Blogging for almost 12 years can get old after a while... but I don't want to do my kids a disservice and just stop telling their stories... I can only imagine when they're old and gray sitting back with a cold beverage reading their life stories... I hope so at least. 

Lots going on since I last wrote. 

School is in full swing.  
Fall sports are going strong.
Hadley started, and quit, t-ball. 
Riley has run in three cross country meets.
Jack's high school baseball team workouts and practices have begun. 
Haddie's been to 5 dance classes. 
Hurricane Florence battered North Carolina and dumped almost 10 inches of rain on our house last weekend. 
Jack is about to turn 15!!
We babysat Lacey and Tucker (see pic below- can you tell our kids want another dog!)
College football started!  WOOHOOO- 
We went to our local fall festival and spent $50 on rides... 
Haddie too more selfies of her feet in my car.  

Before you know it the kids first report cards will be here, Riley's travel lacrosse team will start back up again and Jack will be in the midst of double header Saturday baseball games.   


Seriously though- all is good on the homefront.   Todd's traveling a bunch for work, I am back at Pilates every day and excited to start volunteering in hadley's class soon, and the big kids are never home- between school, sports and social lives they keep the miles on my car piling up!  

But I wouldn't have it any other way. 

A few pics....

Haddie loving on Lacey and Tucker- She is dying for another dog. 

Yes- my team got their booty kicked by Georgia last week but I still love them!

Fun at the Matthews Alive Festival.  

Wiped out after the festival. 

So many random pics of Haddie's feet on my phone. 

School is going well for all three- Haddie is starting to read basic reader books and does well with her sight words.   She BUYS her lunch- for real.  She wants to buy it so have at it!  Riley and Jack are doing fine as well.  

The aftermath of Florence- this is after draining the pool (with a hose) for six straight hours.  

Riley's doing great in Cross Country- not sure she'll do it again next year but so far so good this year. 

Until next time...

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