Guess who's two months today!
My little Masie is already two months.
Time is flying.
Here's a two month update:
Naps like a rock star in her carseat.
Naps ok in her swing.
Naps TERRIBLY in her bed!
A TYPICAL night looks like this:
Bath around 7:00 ish.
Slowly eats about 5 oz.
Goes to bed, in her crib, around 8:00 ish. Wakes around 12- 1:00 a.m. and eats 5 oz.
Wakes again around 5:00 a.m. and eats 3-4 oz.
Sleeps for a cpl more hours.
Smiles all the time.
Wakes up happy every morning.
Loves her brother and sister.
Hangs out in the Baby Bjorn quite a bit.
Is starting to make intentional noises.
Sucks her hand.
Takes a paci sometimes but can't keep it in her mouth.
Is so very very loved!
Until next time....
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