Friday, February 17, 2012

Right Now

Right now....


You lost your eighth tooth today.
By getting a pillow throw in your face during a pillow fight with three of your buddies.
Or so I hear.

Your basketball season comes to an end this weekend.
Baseball starts next weekend.
Can't wait to see what team you land on this spring.
Let's hope you get some good teammates to play with.

You came home from school yesterday super excited about being in a Book Club in your class.
Of course you're paired up with 4 girls.
Maybe next year you'll have another bright boy to be in these groups with you.

Your baseball buddy Jeremy is spending the night Saturday.
You are super excited.
It's hard to find the time to get you boys together so I'm glad we could finally work it out.

I got a text today from another friend's mom who wanted you to spend the night Sunday.
He's out of school Monday.
Too bad you're not.
We'll make up for it this summer.
I see you having lots of sleepovers this summer.

A couple of weeks ago you forgot your math homework 3 out of 5 days.
No kidding.
You just forgot to rip it out of your notebook and put it in your take-home folder.
I was at my wit's end with your spaciness and needed to teach you a lesson.
I did something I swore I would NEVER do as a parent.
I made you write sentences over and over again.
You wrote: "I will never forget my homework" 50 times.
And you've never forgotten your homework since then.
But. If you do....
You'll write that same sentence again.
This time you'll write it 100 times though.

You're taking a Strength and Agility class on Thursdays.
You LOVE it.
Coach George pushes you to do things you normally wouldn't do on your own.
He's teaching you the right way to do the most basic things related to sports.

You're almost 1/2 way done with elementary school.
That is scary to me.
I want time to slow down.

Until next time...
You always leave the class telling me you're sore, but can't wait to go back again.

1 comment:

JLMattson said...

Love, love, love the photo of Riley looking up....and the one from your other post of all the kids holding hands, legs apart....fabulous.

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