Sunday, January 29, 2012

A Girl and her Dresser

There is something about Riley and her dresser.
She seems a bit obsessed with it.
Borderline OCD.
Ok- just kidding.
But really.
She has so much 'stuff' on her dresser that it's practically turned into a shrine of trinkets.

She normally keeps her trinkets and stuff pretty organized too.
Which is quite comical b/c her actual drawers are always a disaster.
A girl just like her momma:)-


Here she is ON her dresser- which she often does.

Ri and her t-ball team from last spring.
She cannot decide if she wants to play t-ball or soccer this spring.
One day it's t-ball, one day it's soccer.

And that blue thing? I made it in art class in 4th or 5th grade.
She keeps trinkets in it.
I also see a random remote that doesn't go to anything.
And another trinket box on the left- she made that one this year in school.

Her two necklace holders.
She has a plethora of necklaces.
WAAAYYY too many for any normal 5 year old.
But her friend, Reilee, who's in 6th grade gave her a ton.
Plus she got some for Christmas.
And some are from her dress-up closet.

She has several mini-wooden chests that hold more trinkets.
The brown one I found on sale at Michaels.
The wood one on top she made at a party.
Can't forget the gum and the hair thingamajiggies.

A few photos....

A side view of 'trinket city' AKA Ri's dresser.

A few silly pics of Ri jumping on her bed.

And don't get me started about the things she keeps on her bed.

Or in her closet ...

Love my girl....

Until next time....

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