Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Letting Go

It's been 2 1/2 days since we lost our sweet Kody Bear. I really, never in a million years, thought it would be so tough to lose a pet, so tough to let go. But Kody was our first "child."

I'll never forget Todd rumbling in the stone driveway one late November evening in 2000. He drove all the way to CT, picked up our sweet 8/9 week old puppy, turned around and drove home. We were thrilled, thinking we were 'really' first time parents. He was really easy to train and rarely had accidents.

I remember the first time we left him home, not crated in that terrible little cage. We went to Lowes, I think, and were only gone an hour. We snuck around the back of the one-story house to see if we could see Bear through the windows. Lo and behold and had jumped up on our bed and passed out cold. Seems like just weeks ago.

But it was almost 10 years ago and here we are, no Kody.

The kids have taken it pretty well. No tears, but lots and lots of questions about God and Heaven.

Is anyone petting Kody?
Is he eating people food or dog food?
Was God the first one to die?
Where will Kody sleep?
Who will untie the pictures so Kody can see them?

We thought it would be nice for the kids to draw a picture, tie them to the balloons and release them to Heaven.

Jack was a bit concerned that the bottom of Heaven would be sharp and the balloons would pop. Riley didn't really get what we were doing - but she thought it was fun.

Three of my sweet PTO friends from school bought us a butterfly bush to plant in honor of Kody. I told the kids to find a special place to plant it.

Jack was in charge of digging the hole (with a little help from me).

Riley watched, patiently waiting her turn.

Jack took a water break or two- drinking the disgusting hose water.

It was then Ri's turn to dump the fresh dirt down the hole.

Presto. It's done.

It quickly turned into a water fight.

Two great ways to pay tribute to our beloved dog.

Until next time...

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