Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Busy Bumblebees

After the harsh weather over the winter we are now in full blown spring . It's been fabulous. We even missed the dense pollen when we were at the beach.

We spend almost every afternoon outside with friends or neighbors or at the park w/ friends. It's great to watch the kids play and have fun outdoors w/ their friends. I am in NO means a TV natzi - we don't have restrictions during the week, etc... but by default Jack and Ri have been watching virtually no TV at all. Of course Ri still wants to watch her Mickey Mouse (will she EVER grow out of that?) when she wakes - but that's about it. Occasionally she'll watch a cartoon during the day but she'd rather be outside.

Riley has been into blowing bubbles lately. We ran out of store bought bubbles so I've been filling up a tupperware container w/ Dawn dish soap and warm water and it works better than Target bubbles. I need to snap some pics of these bubbles.

Ri's also been playing T-ball in the yard. She actually enjoys it and asks to play. She'll hit the ball and run the bases the kids set up in the yard. I am hoping she'll play T-ball next year when she's old enough.

Of course almost all of Jack's outdoor activities revolve around sports. He LOVES when Todd pitches to him but he'll also hit off the tee for practice. He shoots hoops like a wildman but also loves to ride his bike and scooter. He's still loving' the sandbox- actually both of them do. We filled it up w/ fresh sand last weekend and it's been getting a lot of use.

As for me??? We planted some new bushes and lots of flowers. This year Todd wanted to plant a cut flower garden. We both love fresh flowers and what's better then a fresh bouquet of flowers from your own yard.

Notice anything 'buzzing' around here?

It's the time of year for bumblebees. They buzz around and annoy everyone- but hopefully they'll be on their merry way soon!

Until next time...

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