WEATHER: The weather has been nothing short of gross- we still have some chunks of ice on the ground from last weekends ice debacle. We had a couple of inches of rain yesterday. Imagine if those two inches of rain were actually snow. Isn't the rule of thumb once inch of rain equals one foot of snow. We'd be sitting pretty, like Washington D.C. right now, if that were the case. No thanks.

SCHOOL: Signed Ri up for 5 days next year. Only two kids in her class are going to 5 days next year- the rest are doing 4. But- she'll finally be in the same class with several of her friends next year. Since I am leaning towards not sending her to TK- I'd say she needs 5 days. Plus- she loves school. It will be weird to have 5 a.m.'s a week to myself. But- knowing me I'll be knee deep in school stuff and would love to get some volunteering in somewhere else too.
BUFFALO: first came buffalo chicken wings. Then buffalo chicken dip. Now comes buffalo chicken SOUP. Yep. Came across a recipe in the newspaper yesterday. I made it today- it's cooking right now. Can't wait to try it. We'll see how it comes out.
SCHOOL: Requested a conference w/ Jack's teacher. She is only having conferences with students that are struggling but I have some questions. Jack has done great this year and the transition to kindergarten could not have been easier, but I want to know what in the world Mrs. K is doing to challenge Jack. Plus- I have not seen one piece of writing this entire year. I know they write- I have seen them do writer's workshop in school- but I don't know what kind of feedback Jack is getting in school and what areas he needs to work on. Plus- he stayed the same on his last two report cards in writing. Granted- he was already above grade level- but he should be progressing. I asked her a week and a half ago for the conference and she has yet to get back to me- we'll see how long that takes.
BASKETBALL: It's almost over. :-( Only one more weekend. They have their season end tournament next weekend. I know Jack will miss playing b/c he has really loved it. I can't believe we almost didn't sign him up. I am so glad he has had this opportunity.
PICTURES: One reason I am so OVER this crappy weather is we haven't been outside much. Which means I have taken close to ZERO pics this week. Unless you count taking pictures for Jack's teacher during their Super Bowl Party:

Not quite my style, but it will do.
TENT: Being a 'spy' is big in this house these days. Jack hasn't spent much time writing his books and drawing his pics b/c all he wants to do (when he's confined to the inside of the house) is play 'spy.' Or - as he calls it: S - P - Y. He'll spell it out to his buddies so his sister can't figure out what they are doing. This afternoon Todd set up Jack's big orange tent for him to play with. He's having a buddy sleep over tonight and they are planning on sleeping in this big orange tent.
That's about it for now. Back to my lazy weekend.
Until next time...
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