Riley loves her babies. Loves, loves, loves them. I'd say playing babies is at the top of her list of things to play these days.
For Christmas Santa brought her an American Girl look-a-like doll.

I think her name is Emily. Ri has never taken to giving her babies names, but she often calls this one Emily.
We were in the playroom this weekend playing babies when I thought back to when I was in 5th grade. Remember Cabbage Patch Kids? If you are in your 30's and you are a female it's probably much a guarantee that you had one. I'll never forget my first one:
Her name is Alicia. She came in a giant box dressed in a green polka-dotted outfit. All of my friends were lucky to get a Cabbage Patch that year too so we all brought them to school and sat them on our desk right after Christmas break. My God- can you imagine doing that now? Not a chance.
Mr. Martz, my 5th grade teacher, only put up with that nonsense for a few days, but we spent countless hours playing with those darn dolls.
Now that I look back - why on earth would a ten year old be so obsessed with a doll? Shouldn't it have been clothes or something?
So- Alicia is old now. Replaced by Emily. But they are both loved, just as much.
I retrieved Alicia out of the attic and showed Riley. She thought she was pretty cool. I still have all of her clothes. Not sure where the two stripes down her cheek came from .
I don't remember what we 'did' with the babies, but we sure had fun.
Times have changed with baby doll equipment though:
First of all - they have loads of way-too-expensive clothes that Riley loves putting on her babies.
She loves to 'shop' for them, pretending she's at Target, gathering goodies for her babies. She'll even get her keys and purse, strap them on, push her cart around and tell us "OK- see you later."
The food and utensils used to 'cook' the food are pretty darn close to the real thing. Ri loves to cook for her babies. She'll put her babies in the high chair and serve them.
She has this cool little changing table, diapers, wipes, clothes, shoes, etc.... It gets all mumbo-jumbo'd up but I try to keep it organized.
Her babies take naps in a bed that plays music and has a mobile that turns around and around. Fancy. Fancy.
And the bouncy seat? It also plays music and moves back and forth. Back and forth.
The strollers? This one is a double seater. It seems to find it's way all over the house. But guess who gets to lug it up and down the stairs?
And there are lots of cute little cases to put all of her 'stuff' in.
You know how I like to keep things organized.
Until next time...
1 comment:
I love the cabbage patch dolls when I was little!
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