Wednesday, November 18, 2009

What to do on a rainy day?

So- today it’s gross, cold, rainy.  It’s the only day of the week that we don’t have plans for the afternoon.  What to do… what to do….

Well- here’s what we did.  Step by step.


1st: We booted up the Mac, opened up iTunes

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and started jamming to Britney.  Gotta love her new song. (Don’t tell Todd!)

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2nd: And then I watched Ri jam out.  And yes- she’ standing on the barstool chair.  I was hoping she wouldn’t fall and lucky for me she didn’t.

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3rd: And then we found some old bananas (gross)

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and pulled out some sugar

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and some flour.

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And then Ri painfully peeled the bananas

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and plopped them in my trusty handy dandy Kitchen Aid.

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And then we made banana bread.  And Ri begged to lick the spatula.  And she sure did. 

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4th: After Jack came home we busted out the paint.  And they went to town.

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Ri loved it just as much.

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5th: We ended our afternoon counting money.  Pennies.  Nickels.  Dimes.  Quarters.  Jack filled a few coin rolls and Ri just dropped a bunch on the floor. 

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And that was our afternoon. 

The we did dinner.  Then bath and shower.  Then books.  Then bed!!! 

Hoping tomorrow we’ll see some sunshine. 

Until next time…

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Awww what a cute afternoon! You're such a good mommy!

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