Wednesday, September 2, 2009

And the teacher called...

Today Ri and went to the park w/ a small contingent of her friends. While we were there having a nice time (until she told two of her friends "I don't like you"- sigh... another blog post) my cell phone rang.

It went like this:

Me: Hello.

Teacher: Hi. Is this Ali?

Me: Yes.

Teacher: This is Mrs. K- Jack's teacher.

Me: OMG- is he ok? (heart racing- worried sick he's hurt or something)

Teacher: Yes- he's ok. Just wanted to let you know what happened at lunch today.

Me: ok....

Teacher: Jack got upset at lunch today b/c he didn't like any of the food the cafeteria was serving (cheese sticks and turkey tetrazinni - GROSSSS) and was really hungry. Just wanted to let you know that I got him calmed down and found his water and snack that you sent it and he seems better. I don't know him that well yet and wasn't sure this was normal or not. Just wanted to let you know.

Me: (I go on to explain to Mrs. K that Jack is most likely exhausted from practice Monday night, game last night, eats like a horse and gets cranky as all get out if he doesn't have any food in him.)

Teacher: That's what I thought- the kids are all cranky and whiny and one threw up today. This always happens- it's a big adjustment for them. Jack is a great kid and has been doing wonderful. I really enjoy him.

Me: Yes- we'll have to send in lunch the next few days to make sure he gets enough food.


Argh- she texted me after he got back from the computer lab and he seemed better. Needless to say I have a HUGE snack waiting for him when he gets off the bus. Speaking of that- I need to go get him

Until next time....

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