Thursday, November 6, 2008

By the way...

By the way, did you know....

...that Riley knows ALL of her colors now? Primary- that is.

...that Jack wants MORE Legos for Christmas- the Coast Guard version? Sweet.

...that daddy is out of town LOTS the next few weeks? Even sweeter. Not.

...that mommy's ankle is STILL sore from the sprain almost three weeks ago? So over it.

...that we have NOT been to the beach since August? Shameful.

...that we are DRIVING to Kentucky for Thanksgiving to see Sophie Jane and Izzy? Fun.

...that Jack will once again be the ONLY boy (amongst 6.5 kids) in Kentucky? Shocker.

...that Jack counts by FIVES up to 100? Learned last week.

...that it is going to be 76 today AND 77 tomorrow? Can't wait.

....that we'll be playing outside a lot TOMMOROW (ice skating lessons today)? Don't fall.

...that Santa can't figure out what to get RILEY this year? Suggestions welcomed.

...that Mommy really wants a REAL camera? Please.

...that Ri STILL says fu@$%ng noise quite a bit? Ugh.

...that Jack goes for his endocrinologist check-up NEXT Tuesday? Hope he's taller.

Until next time...

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