Sunday, October 12, 2008

Weekend Fun

Lots of fun stuff happened this weekend. My mom and I took the kids to the zoo, despite the threat of rain. It was actually quite nice, the weather cooperated and there weren't too many people there for a Saturday. We were able to see just about everything in an hour and a half. It gets better and better at the zoo at the kids get older.

The sea lions are always a big hit w/ the kids.

Great photo op of the kids and me!

The gorillas were cooperating nicely this weekend.

Jack and I rode the ripoff - I mean train - for the bargain price of $4.00- for a total of five minutes.

Jack and Ri looking at the elephants.

Miss Priss catching a ride.

We then spent the rest of Saturday and most of Sunday with Meg and the girls (Sophie and Izzy). We dont' see them enough so it was great to spend some time w/ them. Here are some pics from our trip to a park earlier today.

Until next time...

1 comment:

PaaPaa said...

Yes, we had a wonderful time at the Zoo. Now only if RiRi would sleep all night at my house in her big girl bed her mother and I would be happy happy!!

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