Todd has been working hard to teach Jack the value of money. He gets an allowance of $3.00 a week, of which he needs to save a small amount and the rest he can spend. Of course after two weeks he wanted to go to Target and buy a car. Todd has been trying to teach him that if he saves for a while he can buy something 'bigger.'
Instant gratification my friends.
Anyway- yesterday I dropped the kids off at Meagan's to play w/ Camp and Finley and Meagan told me that Camp has been begging to have a lemonade stand to make some money. So- that's what they did.
I guess Ri didn't participate much, she was a grump since I had to wake her from her snooze on the chair, but the other three had a great time. The boys made almost $4.00 each, which went straight into Jack's piggy bank.
Here are the pics that Meagan emailed me:

Until next time...
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