Saturday, July 19, 2008

Back to the beach

This time we're headed back to my old stomping ground: North Myrtle Beach.

I grew up going there every summer doing the beach/pool thing. I wish I still had all those t-shirts my parents let me buy from Wings with my name ironed on them. Tacky, yes, I know. We always made at least one trip to the water slides and I remember visits to the putt putt places.

Although I doubt we'll hit the water slides I am sure I'll take Jack to play putt putt. I am looking forward to it.

My mom's side of the family is having their 5 year reunion this week so it will be nice to see people I haven't seen in years. Shoot- for that matter, most of them haven't met Jack and Riley. The last reunion I was 7 months pregnant w/ Jack and we only drove up for dinner one night.

Anyway- we're off early tomorrow and we get back Wednesday afternoon.

Until next time...

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