We took off Thursday night when Todd came home around 5 and made it down there in a little over three hours, this included a potty break for Jack and me. Neither child slept much on the way down, but they were good, so it didn't matter. Not sure how our parents survived w/o the DVD player in the car, but that's another story. (I remember my mom packing enormous goody bags for our road trips, only to be annoyed when we didn't do all the puzzles!)
Gretchen had their Easter baskets all ready to go when we arrived (actually an Easter bowl) so of course Jack dug right in. One of Riley's gifts was so adorable (see below!!). Look at her feet in case you didn't notice. Yes, they're crocs, not the name-brand crocs, but from some cute little store in Pawley's Island. They're a tad to big for her, but she'll get some use out of them this summer. I love them.

Friday proved to be a very busy day. Gretchen and I hit an aerobics class while the big boys took the kids to the meat market and the shrimp boat to get dinner stuff. When the boys got home they hit the 'real' driving range with Jack to hit balls for the first time on a golf course (instead of our yard.) When they returned we had lunch and took Jack on his maiden voyage on a boat. It was my first time in our little boat, as well as my first time in the creeks of DeBordieu, and it was so much fun. Jack was a little sketchy when Todd cranked the boat up (noise) but had a blast. We spent a couple of hours toodling around the creeks, getting stuck on sand bars a couple of times. Never fear, Daddy and Poppy saved us. We went all the way to the north inlet where the creeks meet the ocean.

One of the coolest things that happened to us was being surpised by two dolphins, swimming right by us. Todd noticed them first and then Poppy took us over to them. They actually swam right under the boat as we watched. It was amazing.
After our boat trip Jack took a bath (around 3:30) since he was a little dirty from the oystering and wanted to put his PJ's on, weird, but oh well. He fell asleep on the chair around 4:15 and basically slept until 6:00 the next morning. No lie. We tried to wake him around 5- to no avail and then Gretchen tried to wake him for dinner and had no luck. So Todd put him in the bed around 8ish w/o hitting the potty and he slept right on through. Longest night of sleep he's ever had, for sure.
On Saturday we hit the beach in the afternoon. It was a little windy, but Jack found a hole that someone had already dug and had a blast in it with Daddy. Jack ended up getting wet to his chest and loved the ocean.

We ended our visit w/ brunch at the club, stopping for a photo op on the way. It was a great weekend.
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