Sunday, January 30, 2011

A Whisper

Today was like a whisper. One of those days that quietly reminds us that spring will be here, someday. The temperature hovered around the mid 60's all day. It was downright G.O.R.G.E.O.U.S. But, that whisper that came through today will run for the hills tomorrow, it's supposed to be in the mid 40's tomorrow. Ouch.

And we wonder why there are so many illnesses going around right now.

We probably spent 5 1/2 - 6 hours outside today. Jack shot hoops with his Dad, sister, mom, buddy Matthew, neighbor kid and himself. He just kept shooting and shooting and shooting. He only stopped when his buddy Matthew went home, changed into golf clothes and came back (with his Dad) to pick Jack up to go hit golf balls. I swear- that boy never stops.

That's probably why he was asleep by 7:20 tonight. And Riley too. I guess all that hide-n-seek, chasing Swisher around, digging in the dirt and going for walks tired her out as well.

Paa Paa came up this weekend. We went to lunch yesterday for our annual birthday lunch. I was born on her 27th birthday! So for 37 years she's had to share her birthday with me. Thanks Mom.

We all piled into the car and went to Jack's game yesterday. He loves playing basketball and is doing great this year. He whips the ball around the court like nobody's business. Not sure how many years our short-statured boy will play basketball but we'll enjoy it while we can. His last game is the same day baseball season starts. Nothing like going from one thing to another.

Miss Priss has been on a hair braiding kick the last few days. One night last week I braided her hair (in about 20 different places) and she slept in it wet and we all know what happens the next morning. I swear her confidence level rose a notch when she looked in the mirror and saw those waves. She does look super cute with her hair all wavy. Top that off with a size 3T blazer type jacket she found in the back of her closet (hand-me-down from someone ages ago) and she's been riding high. Love that girl.

Swisher has been doing great as well. Each day gets easier and easier with him. We are on day two of no accidents but we take him out ALL the time so it's hard for him to find the time to have an accident. Each night he sleeps longer and longer without having to go out. I'm hoping he sleep A LOT tonight since he played outside for hours and hours today.

Until next time...

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